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  • MB036-5G: 5G Reverse Transcriptase

    * Extensive template compatibility: compatible with various templates such as animals, plants, and viruses.
    * Super impurity tolerance: tolerant to common impurities (ethanol, isopropanol, water balance phenol, guanidine isothiocyanate, humic acid).
    * Higher reverse transcription efficiency than 4G reverse transcriptase.


    MB036-4G: 4G Reverse Transcriptase

    * Extensive template compatibility: compatible with various templates such as animals, plants, and viruses.
    * Super impurity resistance: resistant to common impurities (ethanol, isopropanol, water balance phenol, guanidine isothiocyanate, humic acid).
    * Long-fragment cDNA amplification (as long as 20 kb).


    MB036-MM: M-MLV(H-) Reverse Transcriptasee

    * Point mutations eliminate RNase H activity to obtain long cDNA products ≤5 kb.
    * Stable and reliable reverse transcription performance for RNA templates above 100 ng.
    * For 5’-RACE reaction and cDNA library construction.

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