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  • MB037-5G: 5G First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit with gDNA Elimination Function

    * Higher reverse transcription efficiency and higher cDNA yields from all regions of RNA transcripts: based on the more efficient 5G Reverse Transcriptase.
    * Flexible choice of primers: Different types of reverse transcription primers can be used flexibly for different experimental designs.
    * Quick and complete removal of genome contamination by the 5× gDNA Removing Buffer: to ensure more reliable follow-up results, and simplify the design of qPCR primers, without the need to design primers across introns.


    MB037-4G: 4G First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit with gDNA Elimination Function

    * Based on the highly efficient 4G Reverse Transcriptase, the super temperature tolerance ensures that the complex secondary structure of RNA can be opened under high temperature conditions to obtain longer cDNA.
    * A wide range of template starting amount: from 1 pg - 5 μg total RNA.
    * Long fragment amplification: up to 15 kb or more.
    * Anchored Oligo (dT)23 VN primer is designed for binding site anchoring with high specificity, ensuring the efficiency and success rate of first-strand cDNA synthesis.
    * Different primers are selected for different downstream applications. The synthesized one-strand cDNA is widely used in molecular cloning, hybridization, PCR amplification and qPCR reaction, and so on.

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