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    1 products and services found for "magnetic microbead conjugated anti human fc antibody"
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  • PA004831: Anti-human Fc Polyclonal Antibody (Magnetic Microbead Conjugated)

    Purified anti-human Fc polyclonal antibody conjugated to magnetic microbeads (bead diameter is approximately 2.8 micrometer);
    10 mg microbeads per 1 ml of final product;
    Binding capacity: >200 pmol per ml;
    Application: immunoprecipitation and small scale purification of human Fc-tagged proteins and antibodies.
    Specificity: recognizes human Fc, cross reactivity with other Fc is minimal.

    Benefits and Features:
    1. Superior signal-to-noise properties
    2. Highly reproducible results
    3. No columns, centrifugations, or time-consuming pre-treatment of your samples
    4. Gentle, minimal physical stress on precious proteins
    5. Easy handling and simple, short protocol.

About our magnetic microbead conjugated anti human fc antibody products
1 magnetic microbead conjugated anti human fc antibody products are offered for sale on, and welcome to contact us if you are interested in more magnetic microbead conjugated anti human fc antibody related products, which may be under development and close to be listed for sale. We have always tried our best to reduce cost to offer the cheapest magnetic microbead conjugated anti human fc antibody products.
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