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    3 products and services found for "adenovirus packaging services"
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  • Our adenovirus production services for toxic genes include: 1) construction of an adenovirus vector for expression of a cytotoxic gene; 2) generation of adenoviruses carrying cytotoxic genes; 3) amplification and purification of adenoviruses carrying cytotoxic genes.

    Our adenovirus production team has constructed, amplified, and purified thousands of adenoviruses for worldwide clients in more than a decade. An improved technology is used to simplify and accelerate construction of adenoviral vectors for researchers studying gene expression or gene silencing in mammalian systems.

    Fast turnaround: 2 weeks.

  • Our Ad5-RGD and Ad5/35 adenovirus production services include: 1) construction of an Ad5-RGD and Ad5/35 adenovirus vector for expression or silencing of a gene; 2) generation of Ad5-RGD and Ad5/35 adenovirus; 3) amplification and purification of Ad5-RGD and Ad5/35 adenovirus.

    Our adenovirus production team has constructed, amplified, and purified thousands of adenoviruses for worldwide clients in more than a decade. An improved technology is used to simplify and accelerate construction of adenoviral vectors for researchers studying gene expression or gene silencing in mammalian systems.

    Fast turnaround: 2 weeks.

  • We provide large selection of pre-made adenovirus and complete custom adenovirus production services from small crude scale to large purified scale, including: 1) construction of an adenovirus vector for expression or silencing of a gene; 2) generation of adenovirus; 3) amplification and purification of adenovirus.

    Our adenovirus production team has constructed, packaged, amplified, and purified thousands of adenoviruses for worldwide clients in more than a decade. An optimized technology is used to simplify and accelerate adenoviral vector construction for researchers studying gene expression or gene silencing in mammalian systems.

    Fast turnaround: 2-3 weeks.

About our adenovirus packaging services products
3 adenovirus packaging services products are offered for sale on, and welcome to contact us if you are interested in more adenovirus packaging services related products, which may be under development and close to be listed for sale. We have always tried our best to reduce cost to offer the cheapest adenovirus packaging services products.
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