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Protein A Pre-packed Columns

Protein A Pre-packed Run Ready Columns

Catalog No. Product Name Size List Price (US$) Quantity
IA100-77221 NmTRAP Pre-Packed Protein A Column 1 ml/column 525.00
IA100-16255 NmTRAP Pre-Packed Protein A Column 5 ml/column 575.00
IA100-77105 NmSCREEN Pre-Packed Protein A Column 4.7 ml/column 5500.00
IA100-16103 NmPREP Pre-Packed Protein A Column 20 ml/column 7500.00

Pre-Packed NMab Protein A Columns

A variety of pre-packed protein A affinity columns are available with NMab protein A resin, NMab Pro protein A resin, and UniMab 50HC Protein A resin in a range of flexible column diameters and bed heights. The pre-packed NMab protein A columns provide reliable all-round performance, low Protein A leakage, high good binding capacity, and useful effective working range.

These columns differ in size and column hardware materials. Normally small columns (NmTRAP, NmSCREEN, and NmLOAD) with bed volumn range from 1 to 5 mL are used for early stage media screen, 10 to 50 mL (NmPREP and NmLOAD) for chromatography purification method development and optimization, 100 to 500 mL (NmLOAD) for method characterization and validation, and 2 to 10 L (NmPILOT) for pilot scale purification and product preparation.

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